An Open Letter to Men WHO THINK THEY'RE CATS

Dear Daddy breakfastburrito Kaczynski,

What a better gift to your Datenschutz obsessed man than a public google sites blog filled with personal details?

You can thank me later. Let's view this getting even for that birthday scam you pulled, you sneaky bastard, you.

While I viscerally sympathize with your anti-birthday stance, I mark it as a personal loss, deprived of the opportunity to celebrate YOU. Because - daddy - you are a being worth celebrating.

You're a gem of a dude, clever and open minded, curious about the world and always learning and developing new skills, but not for the arbitrary self improvement encouraged by modern capitalism - just for yourself. I admire you for your priorities, your boundaries and the way you live your life. I love you deeply when I see you at your best: herzlich and generous, but also when you're at your most stubborn; I respect the conviction that comes with it. I wanted to make this site to celebrate our adventures together, those past and going forward.

Happy belated, you old fuck.

Lots of love,


PS: Totally relishing the fact that this letter is making you squirm in your seat.